Additional Cemetery Info...
Also Known As Laurel Grove North Cemetery
802 West Anderson St
Savannah, Chatham County, GA 314415
Laurel Grove Cemetery is located on the west side of Savannah on a portion of the former Springfield Plantation. Named after the native laurel oak trees which once inhabited the site, the cemetery was developed in 1850 as the Old Cemetery (Colonial Park Cemetery), the Old Jewish Cemetery, Potter’s Field, and the Old Negro Cemetery approached capacity. The cemetery was developed as a segregated cemetery and today is managed as two cemeteries: Laurel Grove North (white section) and Laurel Grove South (black section). The Jewish Section is a part of Laurel Grove North and there are multiple Stranger’s Grounds in both Laurel Grove North and Laurel Grove South. Both cemeteries are well-maintained park-like public open spaces with historical and cultural significance. The cemeteries are open to the public daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A satellite office of the Department of Cemeteries is located in the Laurel Grove Administrative Building at 802 West Anderson Street.